Tuberculosis project
September 14, 2022
- Using active case finding and contact investigation in crowded areas like mining sites and marketplaces, we have managed to get 72 people who suffer from TB on medication, which battles their condition. We also make regular follow-ups to insure people are still on the medication and have access to healthcare.
About this project
This project is funded by USAID through Path tanzania
Ideally, NELICO influences the behaviorial change to healthy health behavior through communities volunteers by applying the following approaches:
Community Contact Investigation
Volunteers performs contact investigation to all contacts of confirmed pulmonary TB cases to increase the number of notified TB through household visits.
Active TB Case Finding.
NELICO conducts active case finding and provide health talks to mining communities, PWID and elderly homes in a monthly basis. Active case finding is done via outreach and events by NELICO volunteers and whenever possible include sputum collectors, TB coordinators, DTLCs, and other healthcare workers.
Advocacy Communication and Social Mobilization
NELICO continue implementing Advocacy Communication and Social Mobilization (ACSM) for TB, to advocate for TB resources to community leaders and decision makers to achieve TB,
Transportation of Sputum from Peripheral Facility to Diagnostic Facility (LED or GeneXpert)
Sputum collectors/fixers collect and transport sputum from the community and non-diagnostic facilities to diagnostic facilities as well as participate in contact investigation activities. Prioritiesis given to transportion of sputum to GeneXpert sites.
Tracing of Person Lost to Follow-up on Treatment and at Laboratory
NELICO volunteers traces person lost to follow-up on treatment and those with laboratory-confirmed diagnosed with TB who have not yet initiated treatment and accompanying those persons to a clinic to initiate TB treatment. For those persons who have started TB treatment, but have interrupted their treatment, Find a list of person lost to follow-up on treatment with their physical contact address to the health care provider for tracing as early as possible to avoid drug resistance. During tracing of person loss to follow-up, contact investigations of their contacts can also be done. Register all trace back patients in community loss to follow-up register.
, remind the family members on importance of drug compliance and adherence, inform TB patient, family and community members on effects of poor compliance and adherence (DOT) including drug resistant TB. Remind TB patients on treatment about the minor and major side effect of ant-TB medication so that the patients cannot default from treatment. Regularly assess and refer TB patients with major side effects at home.
Supportive Supervision and Mentorship
NELICO project officer conduct monthly supportive supervision to assess the implementation of community activities by NELICO volunteers. He/she will use a standardized checklist developed by NTLP. He/she will report on the achievements, challenges and the way-forward. The report should be shared with DTLC/ RTLC and with volunteer members supervised.
Data Collection and Report Writing
Volunteers collects monthly data on contact investigation, active case finding and loss to follow up tracing. All community TB, TB/HIV, and DR-TB data collected should be treated as confidential. Effort is made to ensure that records cannot be accessed by persons other than those who are authorized to do so. Data is stored in a highly secured manner for example in a lockable file cabinet so that the information will remain protected.
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