Welcome to NELICO Tender page below are available tenders and TOR
Thumb | Name | Date |
RFP Title: Procurement of educational subsidies and Car hire service provision. Tender No: NELICO/ACHIEVE/FY23/02 Date of Solicitation of Education Subsidies: 13/02/2023 Closing date and time: 20/02/2023 17:00 Pm (Geita Tanzania) Questions and clarifications: Due by 16/02/2023 Date of Solicitation of Car hire service: 13/02/2023 Closing date and time: 26/02/2023 17:00 Pm (Geita Tanzania) Questions and clarifications: Due by 23/02/2023 |
February 14, 2023 | |
EDUCATIONAL-SUBSIDIES-TOR-NELICO.pdf | February 14, 2023 | |
December 6, 2022 | |
December 6, 2022 | |
TENDER-ADVERT-ON-EDUCATIONAL-SUBSIDIES-AND-ART-Calendar-NELICOD_.pdf RFP Title: Procurement of educational subsidies and printing of ART calendars. Tender No: NELICO/ACHIEVE/FY23/01 Date of Solicitation: 01/12/2022 Closing date and time: 15/12/2022 11:00 am (Geita Tanzania) Questions and clarifications: Due by 12/12/2022 |
December 6, 2022 |
Detailed Tender Notice; New Light Children Centre Organization (NELICO) is a Nonprofit, Nongovernmental Organization registered under the Non-Governmental Organizations Act No. 24 of 2002. The organization is committed to Protect, educate and empower vulnerable children. NELICO’svision is to have a Tanzanian Community in which all people protect human and child rights, access quality health services and empowered youthwith a Mission of Promoting Child and Human Rights by fostering Proper Health Care and Wellbeing, Access to Education, Free Legal Services, Comprehensive Support to OVCs, Women, Youth and the Marginalized Groups.
To date, NELICO is implementing programs related to: HIV/AID’s prevention, SRHR, GBV and VAC prevention, Quality Education, Disability Inclusion, Free Legal Aid, Protecting girls against Harmful Practices and Economic strengthening to communities from the 5 regions of Lake Zone.
This public notice for Tender is a courtesy of the project; Improved Quality Education (IQE) in 20 primary schools in Geita Town and Rural Districts: A project funded by Pestalozzi Children’s Foundation (Switzerland) and Implemented by NELICO in Geita District. The project aims at improving children’s access to Quality Education by; Improving School Infrastructure through Renovation of Classrooms, Provision of Desks and Mobilizing Communities to Support School Development; Other Project Deliverables include; improving child participation in classroom learning through training teachers on Participatory Teaching Methodologies as well as improving Child Participation through establishment of clubs to provide platforms for children to discuss matters affecting their lives (gender issues included).
To achieve the objective of Improving school infrastructure, NELICO under the support of Pestalozzi Children Foundation-Switzerland has set aside funds for Renovation of 4 classrooms each from Igaka Primary, Mlimani Primary, Ndelema Primary and Buyagu Primary Schools all from Geita District Council. Therefore, the organization invites applications from various interested and potential bidders for the renovation of 4 the classrooms from 4 schools of Geita District Council. The following conditions and qualifications shall apply for all the applicants:
-Must be a Tanzanian operating within Tanzania.
-The applicant must provide valid bank account details.
-The applicant must be registered as a taxpayer with TIN number
-The applicant must provide proof of track record of working with the government in the construction industry (Avail previous contract/certificate from the District Engineers)
The applicant must share a CV detailing his/her qualifications
-The applicant must state the time for the starting and completing the task.
-The applicant is encouraged to visit the project site at their own expense.
-The applicant should clearly indicate the cost analysis for accomplishing the whole renovation exercise as per the scope below;